A-band acetylcholine acetylcholinesterase actin myofilament action potential active site active transport adenosine diphosphate adenosine triphosphate ADP aerobic aerobic respiration anaerobic anaerobic respiration arrector pili ATP ATPase autorhythmic axon binding Ca2+ Na+ K+ calcium ion channel capillary cardiac muscle caveolus charge ciliary muscle complete tetanus concentric contraction conformational change contractility contraction creatine creatine phosphate cross-bridge cytosol dense area dense body depolarization eccentric contraction elastic elasticity |
electrochemical endomysium energy epimysium excitability excitation-contraction coupling exercise metabolism exocytotic release extensibility external lamina F-actin fasciculus fast twitch fiber fatigue frequency frequency of stimulation G-actin gap junctions gated channel glucose glycogen graded hierarchical structure high oxidative fiber horripilation H-zone I-band incomplete tetanus innervation intercalated disks invagination involuntary isometric contraction isotonic contraction lactic acid length vs. tension ligand-gated channel longitudinal low oxidative fiber maximal stimulus membrane potential membrane-bound millivolt mitochondrion |
M-line monomer mononucleate motor end pate motor neuron motor unit multinucleate multiple motor unit summation multiple wave summation multiunit smooth muscle muscle tone muscle type muscular fatigue muscular system myoblast myofiber myofibril myofilament myoglobin myosin head myosin myofilament neuromuscular junction neuron non-autorhythmic nonstriated optimal length oxygen debt perimysium peristalsis phosphate physiological contracture plasma membrane polymer postsynaptic membrane posture potassium ion channel power stroke presynaptic terminal propagation psychological fatigue recovery stroke recruitment relaxation repolarization |
resting membrane potential rigor mortis sarcolemma sarcomere sarcoplasm sarcoplasmic reticulum skeletal muscle sliding filament model slow twitch fiber smooth muscle sodium ion channel spindle-shaped stimulus strength strength of contraction striated submaximal stimulus subthreshold stimulus subunit supramaximal stimulus synaptic fatigue synapse synaptic cleft syncytium synthesis tension terminal cisterna thermogenesis threshold potential threshold stimulus transverse tubule triad tropomyosin troponin type I fiber type II fiber type IIa fiber vesicle vesicular voltage-gated channel voluntary whole muscle whole muscle contraction Z-disk |