Atom | Energy processing | Nucleic acid | Protein |
Atomic nucleus | Eukaryotic | Nucleotide | Proton |
Biology | Evidence | Order | Reactant |
Biosphere | Evolutionary adaptation | Organ | Reaction |
Biotechnology | Faith | Organ system | Regulation |
Cell | Gel tray | Organelle | Religion |
Centrifuge | Growth and development | Organism | Reproduction |
Chemistry | Heat block | Pipette | Response to the environment |
Community | Hierarchy of biological organization | Plasma membrane | Science |
Compound | Lipid | Polymer | Subatomic particle |
DNA | Macromolecule | Polysaccharide | Tissue |
Double helix | Micropipettor | Population | Vortexer |
Ecosystem | Molecule | Power supply | |
Electron | Monomer | Product | |
Element | Neutron | Prokaryotic |