Dr. Ty C.M. Hoffman
BIO156: Introductory Biology for Allied Health
Yavapai College

You are not required to make any additional purchases for BIO156. All of the required materials are provided to you. The course uses the open-source textbook, Concepts of Biology, available through OpenStax. Links to specific content in that textbook appear in assignments on Canvas. Although the OpenStax text is the prescribed text for this course, you may use whatever other sources of information you feel are helpful, considering your specific learning style. That is entirely up to you. For example, you might decide that you would benefit from additionally using a hard-copy textbook. Below I have listed just a couple examples, but there are many others, and they are entirely optional. Notice that slightly older editions of general textbooks (which are just fine) are available for just a few bucks. Please do not feel pressured at all to use any additional materials. The required materials include all of the information necessary for completing the assignments. I just want you to do whatever is best for you to personally succeed in this highly demanding course.

A few suggestions for BIO156 (Introductory Biology for Allied Health)

Campbell Biology in Focus (2nd  ed.), by Urry, et al. (ISBN 0321962753)

Campbell Biology (9th ed.), by Reece, et al. (ISBN 0321558235 or 0321558146)
Earlier Editions (Any of these is fine for this course, and they are substantially cheaper.)
8th Edition (ISBN 0321543254)
7th Edition (ISBN 080537146X)
6th Edition (ISBN 0805366245).

Life: The Science of Biology (9th ed.), by Orians, et al. (ISBN 1429253002)
Earlier Editions (Any of these is fine for this course, and they are substantially cheaper.)
8th Edition (ISBN 0716776715)
7th Edition (ISBN 0716798565)

Other books that might be helpful:
Dictionary of Word Roots and Combining Forms, by Borror (ISBN 0874840538)