Dr. Ty C.M. Hoffman
BIO181: General Biology for Biology Majors I
Estrella Mountain Community College

I don't strictly require any textbooks for my courses, but I strongly recommend that you purchase (or borrow) at least one. There are several textbooks devoted to general biology (BIO181 or BIO182). Any of them will provide you with the necessary information. The main difference is that they will vary in the way the material is presented to you. There is no single book that is best for every student. If you want to have a textbook that features the same figures that I will present in my lectures, then I suggest that you use the textbook that appears in my syllabus. However, you'll have access to all of those slide shows, anyway, via the website. Also, whichever book you choose, there's no great need to buy the latest (and therefore most expensive) edition. Below you will find links to new and used copies of the textbooks I use for my courses, as well as several other books that might help you. They are only suggestions. Also, if you prefer to wait until after my first lecture to purchase books, that will be no problem.

BIO181 (General Biology for Biology Majors I)

Concepts of Biology (Open Stax), available free at https://tinyurl.com/EMCC-BIO181

Campbell Biology in Focus (2nd  ed.), by Urry, et al. (ISBN 0321962753)

Campbell Biology in Focus (1st  ed.), by Urry, et al. (ISBN 0321813804)

Campbell Biology (9th ed.), by Reece, et al. (ISBN 0321558235 or 0321558146)
Earlier Editions (Any of these is fine for this course, and they are substantially cheaper.)
8th Edition (ISBN 0321543254)
7th Edition (ISBN 080537146X)
6th Edition (ISBN 0805366245).

Life: The Science of Biology (9th ed.), by Orians, et al. (ISBN 1429253002)
Earlier Editions (Any of these is fine for this course, and they are substantially cheaper.)
8th Edition (ISBN 0716776715)
7th Edition (ISBN 0716798565)

Other books that might be helpful:
Dictionary of Word Roots and Combining Forms, by Borror (ISBN 0874840538)

The important thing is for you to have a textbook that is useful to you personally. All of my examinations will feature questions taken directly from my lectures. Nearly all of that information can be found in just about any general biology textbook. However, if you want to use the optional MasteringBiology website (which you can access via the optional MyLabsPlus website), you'll need to either purchase the full version of the 8th Edition, purchase the Custom Edition for EMCC, or purchase access to the website. The Custom Edition includes only the first 18 chapters of Campbell Biology, and if you choose that option you must purchase it through the campus bookstore. The Custom Edition is enough if you do not need to go on to take BIO182. If you will take BIO182, then you will need an entire textbook (whether it's the Campbell textbook or not). If you choose to buy only a used version of a textbook (even if it's Campbell), then you will not have access to the optional materials within MyLabsPlus and MasteringBiology, because used textbooks will not include the necessary access code. Even if you choose a used book, however, you can always purchase (through the bookstore) access to the optional websites.