If refreshing does not seem to work, click to open this frame in its own window
01 December 2023 C.E.
I didn't realize until just now that the Retake Option button was not working for the MW section. I have fixed it, so be sure to click on it. Enjoy the weekend.
20 November 2023 C.E.
Section 22810 Examination 4 Statistics
Historic Low Mean:
Historic High Mean:
Historic Overall Mean:
Current Term Mean:
Current Term Low Score:
Current Term High Score:
Section 22806 Examination 4 Statistics
Historic Low Mean:
Historic High Mean:
Historic Overall Mean:
Current Term Mean:
Current Term Low Score:
Current Term High Score:
Be sure to click on the new yellow button on the Hoffman site.
08 November 2023 C.E.
I have corrected the Assignment Schedule and the Course Syllabus, the latter of which is now labeled with "Last Modified 08 November 2023 C.E."
30 October 2023 C.E.
Section 22810 Examination 3 Statistics
Historic Low Mean:
Historic High Mean:
Historic Overall Mean:
Current Term Mean:
Current Term Low Score:
Current Term High Score:
Section 22806 Examination 3 Statistics
Historic Low Mean:
Historic High Mean:
Historic Overall Mean:
Current Term Mean:
Current Term Low Score:
Current Term High Score:
06 October 2023 C.E.
Section 22810 Examination 2 Statistics
Historic Low Mean:
Historic High Mean:
Historic Overall Mean:
Current Term Mean:
Current Term Low Score:
Current Term High Score:
Section 22806 Examination 2 Statistics
Historic Low Mean:
Historic High Mean:
Historic Overall Mean:
Current Term Mean:
Current Term Low Score:
Current Term High Score:
21 September 2023 C.E.
I have repaired some errors I found on the schedule, which appears on the Course Syllabus and on the Assignment Schedule page of Canvas. Both versions should both be correct now, and they should agree with each other. The latest edition of the Course Syllabus is dated 21 September 2023 C.E. in red text at the top of the page.
14 September 2023 C.E.
Section 22810 Examination 1 Statistics
Historic Low Mean:
Historic High Mean:
Historic Overall Mean:
Current Term Mean:
Current Term Low Score:
Current Term High Score:
Section 22806 Examination 1 Statistics
Historic Low Mean:
Historic High Mean:
Historic Overall Mean:
Current Term Mean:
Current Term Low Score:
Current Term High Score:
The numbers listed as "Historic" are for all of the sections I have taught over the years. The "Current Term" numbers are for your section.
Now that you've taken an examination, it is very important to appreciate how much examinations affect your Total Current Score and all of your other Summary & Forecast numbers. This is because examinations are worth more than any other type of assignment, so your Summary & Forecast numbers will change more (either upwardly or downwardly) in response to examinations compared to anything else. The Summary & Forecast numbers are designed to let you know whether you'll be able to make it through this difficult course, so please have a careful look at all of those numbers (explained on the Summary & Forecast page of Canvas). If you see only zeroes, that's because you have ignored my messages about needing to submit the Rules Consent Form.
07 September 2023 C.E.
I'll be in the wilderness in northern Arizona from 08 September to 10 September, and my connectivity will be spotty, so responses from me to any messages you send might be delayed. I'll try to keep an eye on things as much as possible. Please keep in mind that technical problems should be addressed to the IT folks, so please do not wait on a response from me about computer problems, etc. For those concerns, submit a help ticket. Enjoy the weekend.
31 August 2023 C.E.
I wasn't aware of the stupid mistake I made until some of your colleagues brought it to my attention today. Before the term started, the laboratory schedule changed. I fixed the schedule on the syllabus long ago, so it has been correct the whole time. We do have the Molecular Modeling exercise coming up next week (Tuesday for some of you, Wednesday for some of you), as indicated on the laboratory schedule that's on the last page of the Course Syllabus. My mistake is that when I fixed the syllabus before the term started, I forgot to fix the due date for the corresponding Molecular Modeling Prelab Quiz. It was incorrectly listed as being due the following week. I have fixed that, and it is now listed correctly as being due the night before the laboratory meeting, as usual. I apologize for any confusion that might have resulted. Enjoy the weekend.
25 August 2023 C.E.
We're a week into the course now, and some of you are still not earning any points because you failed to submit the required Rules Consent Form. There is an easy way to tell whether you've submitted it successfully. If you see a 0 for your Total Current Score, then you haven't submitted the form, and you are not earning any points in this course. If you see a positive number, then you're all set, so don't submit the form again. Enjoy the weekend.
19 August 2023 C.E.
Both sections of BIO181 are full, and both have a waiting list. To have any chance of getting added to the class, you must be on the waiting list, and you must attend the first lecture meeting. If you are on the waiting list, approach me at the beginning of the meeting to let me know that you are on the list. I'll see you in the classroom.
18 August 2023 C.E.
The laboratory schedule on the course syllabus has been updated. The current edition of the course syllabus is dated 18 August 2023 C.E. in red text at the top of the first page.
12 July 2023 C.E.
Introductory Remarks
Welcome to BIO181. If you've never taken this course before, the most important thing you can do to help you succeed is to realize IMMEDIATELY what you are in for. BIO181 is a very demanding course that will require many hours outside of the classroom to learn the huge amount of information that will be presented. Please do yourself a favor and just believe me on this, regardless of how easy your other courses might have seemed.
Since BIO181 is going to consume so much of your time just to stay afloat, it is worth taking some time right now looking at the various items that are on this website. After the term starts, you will be very busy, and if by then you already know what's available here to help you, you'll be able to work as efficiently as possible.
Although this site and Canvas might not yet be complete at the time your are reading this, you should fully explore both sites to see what's there and to get a feel for how things are organized. Click on every menu item to explore the contents. This includes the Rules Consent Form, which is absolutely required. If you do not submit it, then you will receive no credit for your work, and you will not be able to see your total score.
You should also realize that checking the website FREQUENTLY is absolutely required. If you would like to receive automated email notifications of new announcements, then simply join the list.
Even if no announcements are posted for several days, you still need to check for new announcements, because announcements will be official (and therefore binding).
It's also important to be sure that you are enrolled in the correct course. BIO181 is for biology majors, whereas BIO156 (which I also teach and which is very similar to BIO181) is for allied health majors.
If I sound like I'm trying to scare you, that's because I'm trying to scare you. But I only want to scare you into believing me about how demanding this course will be, because I want you to succeed, and I want you to get a lot out of the course. I certainly don't want to imply that you cannot enjoy this course. It'll be a lot of work, but it's also a very good course, and I think you'll learn a lot and have some fun. I'll see you in the classroom.