Announcements If refreshing does not seem to work, click to open this frame in its own window .

23 April 2024 C.E.

The "Retake Option" button on the Hoffman site will become unavailable soon, so be sure to click on it and read the page carefully.

23 April 2024 C.E.

Section 18373 Examination 4 Statistics %
Historic Low Mean: 37.8
Historic High Mean: 76.6
Historic Overall Mean: 63.0
Current Term Mean: 57.5
Current Term Low Score: 22.0
Current Term High Score: 100.0

Section 30144 Examination 4 Statistics %
Historic Low Mean: 37.8
Historic High Mean: 76.6
Historic Overall Mean: 63.0
Current Term Mean: 58.8
Current Term Low Score: 30.0
Current Term High Score: 88.0

01 April 2024 C.E.

Section 18373 Examination 3 Statistics %
Historic Low Mean: 37.6
Historic High Mean: 69.9
Historic Overall Mean: 56.9
Current Term Mean: 60.6
Current Term Low Score: 22.0
Current Term High Score: 100.0

Section 30144 Examination 3 Statistics %
Historic Low Mean: 37.6
Historic High Mean: 69.9
Historic Overall Mean: 56.9
Current Term Mean: 55.8
Current Term Low Score: 26.0
Current Term High Score: 98.0

29 March 2024 C.E.

Both the Course Syllabus and the Assignment Schedule page of Canvas have been edited for Section 30144 (TR) to reflect an adjustment in the lecture schedule. Students in that section should use the Course Schedule dated 29 March 2024 C.E.

05 March 2024 C.E.

Section 18373 Examination 2 Statistics %
Historic Low Mean: 33.7
Historic High Mean: 67.9
Historic Overall Mean: 55.3
Current Term Mean: 59.0
Current Term Low Score: 32.0
Current Term High Score: 100.0

Section 30144 Examination 2 Statistics %
Historic Low Mean: 33.7
Historic High Mean: 67.9
Historic Overall Mean: 55.3
Current Term Mean: 56.0
Current Term Low Score: 30.0
Current Term High Score: 98.0

It's time again to carefully examine how your Summary & Forecast numbers have been affected by the examination.
13 February 2024 C.E.

Unfortunately, I did not know until just now (when one of your classmates came to the rescue), that the syllabus (which is correct) did not agree with the Assignment Schedule (which was wrong but has been corrected). This week's laboratory topic is Microscopes (NOT Osmosis), so the correct Prelab Quiz to complete is Microscopes. I'm sorry about the confusion.

12 February 2024 C.E.

If you need me during today's office hour, I'm in MON201.

09 February 2024 C.E.

An important message from Estrella:

A notetaker is needed for Section 18373 (MW 13:00). In exchange for providing this service, an incentive will be offered. If you take clear, concise notes and are willing to share a copy, please carefully review the information below.


Go to:
Enter login information using your MEID and Maricopa email address.
Specify Personal information and click to register as notetaker.
Sign out and sign in for part 2.

Go to:
Click on SIGN IN (sign in using your MEID username and password).
Click on Note taker Tab on top left of page.
Choose the appropriate term/semester.
Enter course registration numbers (5 digit class #).
Click to continue to verify classes.
Review and sign online notetaker contract.

*If you are matched and assigned in DRS CONNECT you will receive a confirmation email. You MUST log into DRS connect and confirm the note taking assignment within 3 days.

Sign in to DRS CONNECT.
Click Notetaker tab on top left.
View list of classes. Under STATUS click CONFIRM my assignment.
Once confirmed, status changes to assigned.
Click VIEW to see contact information for students receiving notes for this course.

07 February 2024 C.E.

Section 18373 Examination 1 Statistics %
Historic Low Mean: 45.0
Historic High Mean: 71.6
Historic Overall Mean: 59.3
Current Term Mean: 67.8
Current Term Low Score: 40.0
Current Term High Score: 98.0

Section 30144 Examination 1 Statistics %
Historic Low Mean: 45.0
Historic High Mean: 71.6
Historic Overall Mean: 59.3
Current Term Mean: 59.8
Current Term Low Score: 32.0
Current Term High Score: 98.0

The numbers listed as "Historic" are for all of the sections I have taught over the years. The "Current Term" numbers are for your section.

Now that you've taken an examination, it is very important to appreciate how much examinations affect your Total Current Score and all of your other Summary & Forecast numbers. This is because examinations are worth more than any other type of assignment, so your Summary & Forecast numbers will change more (either upwardly or downwardly) in response to examinations compared to anything else. The Summary & Forecast numbers are designed to let you know whether you'll be able to make it through this difficult course, so please have a careful look at all of those numbers (explained on the Summary & Forecast page of Canvas).

05 February 2024 C.E.

My neighborhood is experiencing intermittent Cox outages. I'm posting this during a period of connectivity, but I don't know how long my connectivity will last. If you have contacted me, and I have not responded, please realize that I am temporarily unable to receive email or grade online items. Thanks for your patience.

31 January 2024 C.E.

The upcoming examination will require a Scantron form. You must supply your own Scantron forms, and I will not have any available if you forget to bring one to the examination. The campus bookstore sells them in packets. One packet is enough for the term. The specific form you need is shown in the linked page:


23 January 2024 C.E.

Because the author made changes to the names of the chapters in the laboratory manual, it is no longer obvious where the description of the salt water boiling activity is. It is in the chapter called The Scientific Method.

23 January 2024 C.E.

Notice that I have made a new link (LS Assessment) available under the Sources of Points section of the Canvas menu. It will be available only until 28 January, so be sure to have a look soon.

11 January 2024 C.E.

I have made a change to the order of laboratory activities. Be sure to use the current version of the Course Syllabus, which features " Last Modified 11 January 2024 C.E. " at the top of the document.

18 November 2023 C.E.

Introductory Remarks

Welcome to BIO181. If you've never taken this course before, the most important thing you can do to help you succeed is to realize IMMEDIATELY what you are in for. BIO181 is a very demanding course that will require many hours outside of the classroom to learn the huge amount of information that will be presented. Please do yourself a favor and just believe me on this, regardless of how easy your other courses might have seemed.

Since BIO181 is going to consume so much of your time just to stay afloat, it is worth taking some time right now looking at the various items that are on this website. After the term starts, you will be very busy, and if by then you already know what's available here to help you, you'll be able to work as efficiently as possible.

Although this site and Canvas might not yet be complete at the time your are reading this, you should fully explore both sites to see what's there and to get a feel for how things are organized. Click on every menu item to explore the contents. This includes the Rules Consent Form, which is absolutely required. If you do not submit it, then you will receive no credit for your work, and you will not be able to see your total score.

You should also realize that checking the website FREQUENTLY is absolutely required. If you would like to receive automated email notifications of new announcements, then simply join the list.

Even if no announcements are posted for several days, you still need to check for new announcements, because announcements will be official (and therefore binding).

It's also important to be sure that you are enrolled in the correct course. BIO181 is for biology majors, whereas BIO156 (which I also teach and which is very similar to BIO181) is for allied health majors.

If I sound like I'm trying to scare you, that's because I'm trying to scare you. But I only want to scare you into believing me about how demanding this course will be, because I want you to succeed, and I want you to get a lot out of the course. I certainly don't want to imply that you cannot enjoy this course. It'll be a lot of work, but it's also a very good course, and I think you'll learn a lot and have some fun. I'll see you in the classroom.
