13 April 2012 C.E.
I enjoyed interacting with you this semester, and I hope you learned
something in the process. Please take a moment to visit your MyASU
page for instructions on how to submit a course evaluation (for the
laboratory component as a whole and for me as an instructor). The
evaluations will be available starting 16 April. Thanks, and enjoy
the estival hiatus.
12 February 2012 C.E.
The SafeAssign links are available under Assignments on the
Blackboard site. Notice that two of the four Off Week assignments
must be submitted electronically, and the first requires two
separate uploads. Follow the instructions carefully. I will not
accept paper copies for those assignments.
26 January 2012 C.E.
Notice that I've added a new menu item (Laboratory Lectures) for the
audio recordings.
12 January 2012 C.E.
It occurred to me that there is something I did not mention
yesterday that could be yet another source of confusion. I want to
explain the difference between a controlled variable and a control
group. I discussed controlled variables in person (those things in
an experiment that the scientist tries to keep constant). A control
group is something different. A control group is a group of subjects
(like pill bugs, for example) that are not subjected to a change in
the independent variable. In my example of testing plants (the
subjects) for the effect of fertilizer, a well designed experiment
would include a certain number of plants that receive only pure
water (no fertilizer, the independent variable). These plants
receiving only water would make up the control group. A control
group provides a basis for comparison to the other groups (the
treatment groups), which in this example would receive various
levels of fertilizer (as well as water). A good scientist tries to
set up an experiment so that the only thing that is different
between the control group and any treatment group is the treatment
(independent variable) itself. In other words, everything else (the
other variables) are controlled and kept constant for all groups. I
hope this makes sense, and if it does not, then feel free to email
me. In fact, always feel free to email me, whether things make sense
or not. Enjoy the impending weekend.
06 January 2012 C.E.
Because the enrollment for this course is so low, we will NOT be
breaking the class into two groups, which is why I have stricken out
the text in the earlier announcement. Instead, the entire class will
meet in the laboratory every other week. Notice that this means that ALL students must
attend the first meeting on 11 January. Also, the syllabus
has been updated to reflect this change. Therefore, be sure you have
only the syllabus with "Last updated 06 January 2012 C.E." printed
at the top.
19 December 2011 C.E.
The Course Syllabus has been updated (including the schedule). Be
sure you have the version that was last updated 19 December 2011
21 November 2011 C.E.
Welcome to LSC365 Laboratory. I will be
your instructor only for the laboratory portion of this course.
Your lecture instructor is in charge of your overall grade. I will
give your scores to your lecture instructor throughout the
semester. Your lecture instructor will probably use Blackboard.
For various reasons, I am choosing to use my own website (this
one) for the laboratory component of LSC365. You are required to
check these announcements daily throughout the semester, and any
announcements that appear here will be official. It is a good idea
to take a few minutes right now and familiarize yourself with this
website. You should also take a look at the global site, because
it's a pretty good chance that resources appearing in my sites for
BIO181, BIO201, and BIO202 will prove useful to you, since those
courses cover much of the same material as LSC365. It would be
silly not to at least take a look to see what's there that might
help you.
You will be assigned
to one of two groups (Group A and Group 1), and each group will
meet every other week. A listing of the students in each group
will appear here soon. After you have been assigned to a
specific group, you will be required to attend all of the
sessions (but only those sessions) assigned to that group (and
you may not attend any of the sessions for the other group). The
schedule (including due dates for "off week" assignments) is
listed in the laboratory syllabus.
I'll see you soon.
Be sure to IMMEDIATELY read
and submit the Rules Consent form. This is also strictly