accommodation |
amplification |
amplitude |
ampulla |
anatomical plane |
angular acceleration |
apex |
astigmatism |
audition |
auditory ossicle |
auditory tube |
auricle |
balance |
base |
basilar membrane |
bipolar layer |
bipolar neuron |
bitter |
bony labyrinth |
cerebrospinal fluid |
ceruminous gland |
chemoreceptor |
ciliary muscle |
cis retinal |
cochlea |
cochlear duct |
cochlear nerve |
cone |
convergence |
cornea |
cribriform plate |
crista ampullaris |
cupula |
dendrite |
depolarization |
dilate |
dilator pupillae |
dynamic balance |
electromagnetic spectrum |
emmetropia |
endolymph |
ethmoid bone |
Eustachian tube |
external auditory meatus |
eyeball |
facial nerve |
far point of vision |
filiform |
focus |
foliate |
fovea centralis |
frequency |
fungiform |
ganglionic cell |
gelatinous mass |
glossopharyngeal nerve |
glutamate |
G-protein |
gustation |
gustatory hair |
gustatory pore |
hair cell |
helicotrema |
hyperopia |
hyperpolarization |
image |
incus |
inhibitory postsynaptic potential |
inner ear |
intensity |
lens |
ligand-gated channel |
light |
linear acceleration |
loudness |
macula |
malleus |
mastoid sinus |
medial rotation |
melanin |
membranous labyrinth |
microvillus |
middle ear |
myopia |
near point of vision |
neurotransmitter |
odorant |
olfaction |
olfactory bulb |
olfactory cilia |
olfactory cortex |
olfactory epithelium |
olfactory hair |
olfactory nerve |
olfactory neuron |
olfactory tract |
opsin |
organ of Corti |
osseous labyrinth |
otoliths |
outer ear |
oval window |
papilla |
perilymph |
periosteum |
photoreceptor |
pigmented retina |
pinna |
pitch |
presbyopia |
pressure wave |
pupil |
reflect |
refract |
refractive index |
resonance |
resonant frequency |
retina |
retinal |
rhodopsin |
rod |
round window |
saccule |
saliva |
salty |
scala tympani |
scala vestibuli |
semicircular canals |
sensory retina |
sour |
special sense |
sphericity |
sphincter pupillae |
spiral organ |
stapedius |
stapes |
static balance |
stationary position |
suspensory ligament |
sweet |
tastant |
taste |
taste bud |
taste cell |
tectorial membrane |
temporal lobe |
tensor tympani |
timbre |
trans retinal |
transducin |
tympanic membrane |
umami |
utricle |
vallate |
vestibular membrane |
vestibule |
vestibulocochlear nerve |
vision |
vitamin A |
wavelength |