Announcements (refresh)

25 November 2013 C.E.

Here is the link for the retake survey:

21 November 2013 C.E.

For the purposes of completing the GMO Foods activity, pretend that this was your gel.

18 November 2013 C.E.

I didn't realize that the assignment for Cracking Your Genetic Code was not yet on Canvas, but it's available now.

09 November 2013 C.E.

I've updated the Vocabulary page.

06 November 2013 C.E.

On 26 November (the day after Lecture Examination 4), a link to a survey will be posted here. It will be called Option to Retake a Lecture Examination. You must submit that survey by noon on 06 December. Although the survey is not yet available, here is a description:

Option to Retake a Lecture Examination

1. If you choose to retake, then you must retake the examination on which you scored the lowest. You do not get to choose which examination to retake unless your lowest examination score occurred on more than one examination.

2. Choosing to retake cannot hurt your score. If you score the same as or lower than you did the first time, nothing will change. If you score higher on the retake version than you did originally, I'll replace your original score with the higher score.

3. You will not have the option to retake unless you submit this survey by the deadline (given in the Announcements).

4. If you retake, you will be given the retake version of the examination immediately upon submitting Lecture Examination 5.

5. You have only one chance at Lecture Examination 5 (the final examination). Therefore, be sure you study fully for Lecture Examination 5, and do not study for the retake (since it cannot hurt you) unless you are sure that you are fully prepared for Lecture Examination 5.

6. Your guidance scores (Blow-Off Score, etc.) are calculated on the assumption that you will not improve on the retake version. However, it is of course possible for you to improve.

7. The retake is not identical to the original examination. However, the retake is of equal difficulty, and it is also made up only of multiple-choice questions.

16 October 2013 C.E.

I've updated the Vocabulary page.

09 October 2013 C.E.

Since the gels did not turn out well, use this image and pretend that it was your own gel.

08 October 2013 C.E.

This is the time in each term when student withdrawals become more frequent. I just want everyone to know that if you make the decision to withdraw, there is no need for any paperwork, and there is no need to visit any offices. Simply email me to let me know your decision, and I'll process the withdrawal electronically.

23 September 2013 C.E.

The problem of tardiness has gotten out of control, so I am changing the policy for quizzes. From now on, if you are more than two minutes late to a quiz, then you will be charged the corresponding penalty regardless of whether or not others submit the quiz after you submit yours.

27 August 2013 C.E.

Because some of you might not be familiar with Canvas, I'm letting you know that as assignments submitted through Canvas become graded, it's important to go to Canvas to read any comments that were left on the assignments.

22 August 2013 C.E.

Your scores should be showing up now (assuming you've submitted the rules consent form). All scores are percentages (even if Canvas tells you they're points). Yes, it's possible to be above 100% because of the bonus. Importantly, you should entirely ignore the dark gray Total (showing a percentage) at the bottom of your list of scores. I am not able to force Canvas not to display that, which is one of the reasons Canvas sucks. That total is meaningless. Total Score is your true total score (in percent), based on everything that has been graded.

21 August 2013 C.E.

The assignments for laboratory exercises involve downloading Word documents, answering the questions in those documents, saving those completed documents, and submitting them through Canvas. The Word documents are already on my website (on the Assignments page). The first one (for today's pipetting exercise) can be completed now. I am in the process of setting up Canvas to allow for submissions. That won't be available until later (maybe even tomorrow). So go ahead and complete the Word document for Activity 2.2 and save it, then upload it via Canvas when it becomes possible. The deadline for each assignment is the start of the next class period (i.e., you must have 2.2 uploaded by 08:00 on Monday). Enjoy the weekend.

20 August 2013 C.E.

I noticed that some of you submitted either the Rules Consent Form or the Bonus Points Form from the wrong page. That's okay; it still counts, so don't submit again. I'm just mentioning it to point out the importance of reading everything carefully, including the main page of the website. Be sure you click on the correct semester when you choose BIO107.

14 August 2013 C.E.

Introductory Remarks

Welcome to BIO107. I am your instructor, Ty Hoffman. This can be an interesting and fun course if you allow yourself to enjoy it, so I hope you approach it positively, even if you're just trying to fulfill a requirement. There might be times in the semester when I will require you to use Canvas, but THIS is the official website for the course. It is important (and required) to check this site daily (starting now) throughout the semester. When I make changes to the site, I'll post an announcement here. For now, there are five important things for you to do (and you should do them in the order listed).

1. Electronically submit the Rules Consent Form. If you do not do this, you will be withdrawn from the course. I cannot overstress how important it is to fully read and understand that form. You can easily receive a zero if you take this lightly. Believe me; it happens every semester.

2. Explore this entire website to see what's here and to get a feel for where things are located.

3. Carefully read the syllabus.

4. Purchase the required items.

5. Show up to class (punctually) on the first day.

We'll take care of other details when we meet. Enjoy the break. I'll see you in class.
